Partners for Change‏ ‏and Development

The Faculty of Educational Sciences and Teachers’ Training offers ‎several projects and programmes in the fields of social and educational ‎‎services ‎and voluntary work inside and outside the university campus.‎

Many of the faculty staff are decision-makers and members in local and ‎regional associations and institutions. They involved themselves in ‎‎community service activities and always contribute to hold training ‎courses and awareness campaigns.‎

The faculty has partnerships with the Ministry of Education and Higher ‎Education as well as other international institutions and agencies. It ‎participates in setting and developing school curriculum and the ministry ‎policies and strategies.‎

The faculty offers more than 250 faculty students of different ‎programmes a semester to be involved in community service and ‎extracurricular activities.‎

The faculty welcomes its students to volunteer. For more details, please contact us on [email protected].‎