An-Najah University's Faculty of Educational Science and Teacher ‎Training at the University, held a workshop on qualitative research ‎design, and the preparation of research proposals, which was ‎organized in cooperation with Canterbury Christ Church University ‎in the UK.‎

The workshop focused on designing, and evaluating research proposals, fostering multidisciplinary collaborations, and developing an agenda for strengthening the tools, training, data, research design, and infrastructure for research using qualitative approaches.

The workshop was facelifted by Tony Mahon, a Principal Lecturer ‎‎(Learning and Teaching) and Director for International Development in the Faculty of Education, and Lorna Hughes a Senior Lecturer in Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Inclusion at Canterbury Christ Church University.

It was given to a group of faculty members from An-Najah University, Hebron University, and Al-Quds Open University.

Dr. Sa'eda Affouneh, Faculty Dean, welcomed the attendees, and said that the workshop aims to develop research skills for the participants as it is part of An-Najah strategy; that is, enhancing scientific research, publishing high quality research in journals with high impact factor, and creating academic relations with international universities.

Dr. Affouneh also noted that the Faculty of Educational Sciences aims to improve the outputs of the teacher preparation and training project, and develop is faculty members' research skills.

The two British guests gave a presentation on qualitative research standards, and evaluation criteria as well as many other related topics. Furthermore, they discussed the strengths of qualitative methods.

عدد القراءات: 351